- The actual meteorological data for the tourist attraction displayed in this website is provided by nearby weather stations, and is not necessarily from a station in the same region. In case meteorological data is not available from nearby stations, data from other meteorological stations at the Headquarters of the Observatory, King’s Park, and Star Ferry will be used instead. If this is the case, the symbol ▲ will appear to the left of the updated time.
- Owing to the difference in topography and altitude between the location of the tourist attraction and the nearby weather stations, users should note that weather information displayed on the website may be different from actual conditions.
- The weather forecast for the tourist attraction in this website is provided by the automatic 9-day weather forecast product. About the automatic 9-day weather forecast product:
- The products are directly generated from a computer forecast system without manual adjustments, and may be different from the official weather forecasts issued by the Observatory or the measurements recorded at individual weather stations. Please refer to the official forecasts issued by the Observatory.
- The products are updated twice a day at around noon and midnight. The former provides hourly forecasts from noon the same day to midnight on the ninth day. The latter provides hourly forecasts from midnight the same day to midnight on the ninth day.
- The weather icon describes both the cloud cover and the rainfall expected over the corresponding 3-hour period. For example, the weather icon at 17H corresponds to 14-17H. Cloud cover takes low, medium and high clouds into account, and the rain categories with icons
representing light rain (0.5 mm or above) and moderate rain or heavier (10 mm or more) respectively.
- The daily forecast of the probability of precipitation (PoP) indicates the chance of rain (with rainfall of 0.5 mm or more) at the station on a certain day and it has six categories: <10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and >90%. For example, if PoP is 60%, it means that the probability of rain occurrence at the station is around 60% on that day. In other words, rain occurs about 60 times on average in every 100 forecasts, with the error of around 10 times on average from the actual number of occurrence according to the verification statistics. It should be noted that PoP only indicates how likely there will be rain, and it is not directly related to the size of area affected by rain, the time of rain occurrence, its duration or intensity.
- As the products integrate the outputs of a number of NWP models, errors in individual NWP model forecasts will limit the capability of the products in predicting extreme weather events.
- vi. The products are generated using a multi-model consensus forecast system, which integrates the outputs of a number of global numerical weather prediction (NWP) models as well as the mesoscale model of the Hong Kong Observatory. The model outputs are first corrected based on the observation data collected at various weather stations over Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. A consensus forecast is then derived by combining the corrected model forecasts weighted according to their past performance. Technical details of the forecast system are available from the Hong Kong Observatory Article No. 1064.
- System Requirements
- The webpages on "Hong Kong Weather Information For Tourists" (This website) are viewable on most modern browsers. This website follows the HTML 5 standard and does not make use of browser-specific features. However, each computer system displays website elements or fonts slightly differently and the default font size and screen resolution may have been adjusted on browsing computers. As a result, the webpages on this website may be displayed differently on computer systems with different configurations. The webpages on this website are best viewed with the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer(Version 10 or above), Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome. To update your browsers, please visit one of the websites listed below:
- For the best viewing experience, we suggest that you enable JavaScript on your browser. If you disable JavaScript, the website is not able to load weather information data and you are not able to use most of the features in this website such as displaying actual weather information or displaying tourist spot in photo view.
- The hyperlink “Attraction Info” on the webpages will direct users to the DiscoverHongKong.com
- The geographical information on this website comes from Google Maps and the usage is subject to Google's Terms of Use. The downloading speed depends on the responsiveness of its servers and sometimes it may take a longer time to complete the download.
Photo courtesy: Dr Lee Tsz Cheung, Mr Kong Lik Wa, Mr Man Kam Hoo and Ms Ada Lau Wai Mei.